Post 1 : Who am I ?

Hello everyone, How are You ? I am introduce myself, my name is Yuliana San Martín
Me with me three nieces 
and I am a dance student. I was born in Talagante on 13th August with me twin brother, we have nineteen years old. I have two brothers, two sisters and four nieces littles that i adore. 

My dog Pichu
I live in Peñaflor since little together my grandma, mother , father, sister, one niece, brother and uncle.  We have of pets cat, birds , hamster and two dogs.  One dog male call Pichu, that is of my mother and mine.

I know how to do play violin since my nine years old, but only play for six years. I am keen on violin until now. I love go to South of Chile. I adore eye liner of colors and hoops earring large. I like make up with my nieces and play with they. I love dance. 🌼


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