Post 2 : Why did I choose my major ?

Hello everyone again, w hen I was a little girl and playing violin memory be ask a My mother whether I can work playing one , even my parents wanted to buy a violin for me, but I said that not. After in the school when was inquire what career wanted study, I don't knew that answer, I thinked that can be example nutrition or designer (I liked make clothes for my doll) but lone be a thought. When dance My nieces Concurrently I haved a cousin that danced, I liked see in her presentation and I interested this, when little imagine choreography in my mind but I was timid and not danced. Time after, on see a presentation of my nieces with more groups and styles, I am fascinated and begin to look for information about career dance. Dancing online In quarantine I join to a group online of dance of different styles and with this prepare the test of the university. In this moment I decide that want dedicate of dance, for dancing with my nieces, also because I interested w...